Lodi NJ Child Pornography AttorneysA Lodi NJ man faces very serious criminal charges after Bergen County authorities allegedly discovered him with images of child pornography.

Police learned about the suspect’s alleged criminal actions and immediately alerted the Bergen County Prosecutor’s Office Computer Crimes Unit. Bergen County detectives then opened an investigation into the suspect and eventually secured a search warrant for the suspect’s home in Lodi, New Jersey.

Bergen County detectives searched the suspect’s house and seized at least one computer. According to law enforcement, the computer contained several videos and images of underage minors being sexually exploited by adults. Authorities believe that the suspect used the Internet to download the sexually explicit videos.

The suspect, a 70-year-old man from Lodi New Jersey, could be subject to severe criminal penalties. That’s because he has been charged with endangering the welfare of a child, the typical criminal charge in NJ when a person is accused of possessing child pornography.

After being placed under arrest and charged, the suspect was transported to the Bergen County Jail in Hackensack, NJ. He was being held at the correctional facility in lieu of a $50K bail amount, with a 10-percent cash option to post bail.

For more information about this case, access the Teaneck Patch article, “Bergen Man Downloaded Images of Child Exploitation: Prosecutor.”