Police in River Vale NJ and other parts of North Jersey issued an alert to anyone living in the region and driving an expensive automobile: be aware of luxury auto thieves.
According to authorities, a car theft ring has been targeting expensive vehicles in the area. A local resident reported that her car, a 2016 Mercedes Benz S550, was stolen from a driveway at a home in the Fardale area of River Vale, NJ.
River Vale NJ detectives and Mahwah detectives worked on a joint investigation into the recent auto theft. Investigators quickly determined that the River Vale NJ theft was committed by the same thieves responsible for numerous other thefts of high-end luxury vehicles during the last few months.
The River Vale Police Department issued a warning to local residents and asked drivers to be extremely careful when parking their cars on streets in the township. Police indicated that luxury car thefts in Bergen County are “an ongoing problem.” The car thieves typically take the expensive cars and then ship the vehicles overseas for resale on the black market.
Anyone who parks a motor vehicle in River Vale should be sure to lock all doors and take their keys or key fobs with them.
For further information about this case, see the NJ.com article, “North Jersey Luxury Cars Targeted in High-End Theft Ring, Cops Warn.”