Bergenfield NJ Theft AttorneysBergenfield NJ police apprehended a local teenager who has been accused of burglarizing several homes in the borough.

The suspect is a 19-year-old male who resides in Bergenfield in Bergen County, New Jersey. According to Bergenfield NJ authorities, the suspect targeted local houses between June 2016 and February 2017 and stole roughly $95,000 worth of personal items from the residences.

Detectives with the Bergenfield Police Department investigated the burglary and theft spree and were eventually able to identify the suspect. He was later located and captured without incident.

The suspect faces several criminal charges, including charges for burglary, attempted burglary, theft of movable property, receiving stolen property, identity theft, and fencing. It not clear at this time why the suspect has been charged with identity theft.

Since law enforcement is continuing to investigate the alleged Bergenfield NJ burglary spree, the suspect could face more criminal charges in the case.

After being placed under arrest and processed at Bergenfield police headquarters, the suspect was released on his own recognizance. He has a pending court date to address the charges against him.

To learn more about this case, read the Teaneck Patch article, “Bergen Teen Arrested After Burglary and Theft Spree: Police.”